Tuesday, May 5, 2015

String Manipulation in Excel VBA

There are times when I'm building an electronics project with 1000+ components. I encoded my bill of materials (BOM) on excel. Say, 10K resistor for R1 to R5 so I put in there "Resistor 10K" then on "location" I will put "R1-5" or "R1-R5". This is good as it facilitates easy inputting of location without having to type "R1 R2 R3 R4 R5". So the BOM is completed in this way. Perfect! All in place. Later on, I want to know the value of say "R4" on my BOM containing 500+ different resistors. I search "R4"... only to know that excel cannot find the string "R4" because I did put R1-R5. This means there's really no "R4" at all.
The question now is how do I facilitate easy inputting of location without worrying that excel "find" cannot locate it? Probably excel vba can help solve this common pitfall. Well perfect! vba contains rich string manipulation that can solve this one.

Lets look at some "mostly" (to me) used excel vba string manipulation function:
1.) Lcase
  -Lcase converts all characters on string arguments into lowercase.

Dim Thisstring As String
Dim convertedtolowercase As String

convertedtolowercase = LCase(Thisstring)
MsgBox convertedtolowercase

This displays a message box:

2.) UCase
  -The reverse of Lcase. UCase converts all characters on string arguments into Uppercase.
Dim Thisstring As String
Dim convertedtouppercase As String

 Thisstring = "this is all lower case string to be converted to uppercase thru ucase function"
convertedtouppercase = UCase(Thisstring)
MsgBox convertedtouppercase

This displays a message box:

3.) InStr

InStr( [start], string, substring, [compare] )

   -Will find “substring” occurrence on the “string” starting from “[start]”
and will return the integer location.

Dim Thisstring As String
Dim asterishlocation As Integer

Thisstring = "Find the character * on this string"

 asterishlocation = InStr(1, Thisstring, "*", vbTextCompare) 'asterish is text no. 20

MsgBox asterishlocation

 This displays a message box:
4.) InStrRev

InStrRev(string, substring, [start], [compare] )

  -Will find “substring” occurrence on the “string” starting from “[start]” but this time the search will starts from the right. Will do the similar to InStr but in reverse (from right) order. Will return the integer location –still in reference to the left as count=1.

 Example (find the asterish “*”:

Dim Thisstring As String
Dim asterishlocationright As Long
Dim asterishlocationrleft As Long

Thisstring = "First * location and second * location"

 asterishlocationright = InStrRev(Thisstring, "*", -1, vbTextCompare) ‘will find the second * which is 29 charaters from left

 asterishlocationrleft = InStr(1, Thisstring, "*", vbTextCompare) ‘will find the first* which is 7 charaters from left

 MsgBox "asterishlocationright= " & asterishlocationright

MsgBox "asterishlocationrleft= " & asterishlocationrleft

 This displays a message boxes:

5.) Trim


  -Will remove the spaces (non characters) on the left and right of the string.

Dim Thisstring As String
Dim trimmedstring As String

Thisstring = "    Has lot of spaces     "
trimmedstring = Trim(Thisstring)
MsgBox Thisstring
MsgBox trimmedstring
 This displays a message boxes:

You notice that the untrimmed string displays with the spaces.

6.) Len

  -Will return how many characters are in the string.

Dim Thisstring As String
Dim StringLength As Long

Thisstring = "This is a 41 long string including spaces"
StringLength = Len(Thisstring)
MsgBox StringLength

This displays a message box:

7.) Left

  -Will get a string with “[length]” (# of characters) from the left of “string”.

Dim Thisstring As String
Dim LeftString As String
Thisstring = "Take characters from the left"
LeftString = Left(Thisstring, 4) ‘Take 4 characters from the left
MsgBox LeftString

This displays a message box:

8.) Right


   -Will get a string with “[length]” (# of characters) from the right of “string”.

Dim Thisstring As String
Dim RightString As String
Thisstring = "Take characters from the Right"
RightString = Right(Thisstring, 5) 'Will take 5 characters from the right
MsgBox RightString

This displays a message box:

9.) Mid

  -Will get a string with “[length]” (# of characters) starting from “[start]” of “string”.

Dim Thisstring As String
Dim MidString As String

Thisstring = "Take characters on the middle"
MidString = Mid(Thisstring, 5, 10) 'Will take 10 characters starting from character 5
MsgBox MidString

This displays a message box:

Think that's all Guys! Anyway, here's the logic of say extending "R1-R5" to "R1 R2 R3 R4 R5"

1.) Find the character "-".
2.) Then any numerals after it until either space or end of the whole string is the "end count". 5 in the above example.
3.) Similarly any number before the "-" is the "beginning count". 1 in the above example.
4.) The letter before the "-" until either space or beginning of the whole string is the "Letter designation". "R" in the above example.

So I did came up with a function where is accepts 3 arguments and do the above extending automatically:

Extend(RowFrom As Integer, RowTo As Integer, Column As Integer)

RowFrom  - an integer which designates the row to where the extending begins.
RowTo - an integer which designates the row to where the extending ends.
Column  - an integer which designates the column to where the extends will operates.

Here's the code:

Public Sub Extend(RowFrom As Integer, RowTo As Integer, Column As Integer)
On Error GoTo tap
Dim RowEval As Integer
Dim Previous As Integer
Dim Find As Integer
Dim CRight As Integer
Dim CLeft As Integer
Dim BLeft As Boolean
Dim BRight As Boolean
Dim HiCount As String
Dim LoCount As String
Dim HighRange As Long
Dim LowRange As Long
Dim Prefix As String
Dim LocCounter As Long
CRight = 1
CLeft = 1
BRight = False
BLeft = False
HiCount = ""
LoCount = ""
Prefix = ""
Previous = 1
Find = 100
    If (RowFrom > RowTo) Then
    MsgBox "Row from is greater than Row To"
    Exit Sub
    End If
For RowEval = RowFrom To RowTo
Cells(RowEval, Column).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = Trim(ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1)
    Do While (Find <> 0)
    CRight = 1
    CLeft = 1
    BRight = False
    BLeft = False
    HiCount = ""
    LoCount = ""
    Prefix = ""
    Previous = 1 'This is no longer needed cause the
                'first dash found is already extended
                'so previous can be always equal to 1
    Find = 100
        Find = InStr(Previous, ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1, "-", vbtextcompare)
            If Find = 0 Then
            GoTo nextrow
            End If
        Do While (IsNumeric(Mid(ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1, Find + CRight, 1)) = False)
            CRight = CRight + 1
        Do While (BRight = False)
            HiCount = HiCount + Mid(ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1, Find + CRight, 1)
            HighRange = Val(HiCount)
            CRight = CRight + 1
                If (Find + CRight - 1 = Len(ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1)) Then
                GoTo GetLeft
                End If
                If (IsNumeric(Mid(ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1, Find + CRight, 1)) = False) Then
                    BRight = True
                End If
        CRight = CRight - 1
        Do While (IsNumeric(Mid(ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1, Find - CLeft, 1)) = False)
            CLeft = CLeft + 1
        Do While (BLeft = False)
            LoCount = Mid(ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1, Find - CLeft, 1) + LoCount
                If left(LoCount, 1) <> "0" Then
                    LowRange = Val(LoCount)
                End If
            CLeft = CLeft + 1
                If (IsNumeric(Mid(ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1, Find - CLeft, 1)) = False) Then
                    BLeft = True
                End If

        Do While (IsNumeric(Mid(ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1, Find - CLeft, 1)) = False)
            Prefix = Mid(ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1, Find - CLeft, 1) + Prefix
            CLeft = CLeft + 1
                If ((Find - CLeft) = 0) Then
                        CLeft = CLeft - 1
                        GoTo GetPrefix
                End If
        CLeft = CLeft - 1
        Prefix = Trim(Prefix)
        ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=Find - CLeft, Length:=CLeft + CRight + 1).delete
        For LocCounter = HighRange To LowRange Step -1
           ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=Find - CLeft, Length:=0).Insert " " & Prefix & LocCounter & " "
        Next LocCounter
    Previous = Find + 1 'This is no longer needed cause the
                        'first dash found is already extended
                        'so previous can be always equal to 1
    CRight = 1
    CLeft = 1
    BRight = False
    BLeft = False
    HiCount = ""
    LoCount = ""
    Prefix = ""
    Previous = 1
    Find = 100
Next RowEval
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
End Sub

Testing it here's the output:

it works!!!!

Good Luck Guys!!!....

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